Saturday, September 22, 2012


This past week during my vacation I ran into 2 19-somethings who claimed to be members of the occupy movement. They told me they were voting for Obama because Romney was a "businessman."

Businessmen are bad because one of the characters of the movie "Wall Street" (Geeko?) was bad and thus all of them are are bad.

The upshot of this interaction (besides leaving a bad taste in my brain) is the delusional world most of these folks are living in -- given to them by others. We don't need to be labelled anything - and they think that categories define your life. Think of how governments classify things and people in order to handle them --- folks we in big trouble when our children classify themselves.

I didn't discuss politics with them but instead shared God's love and desire to have a relationship with them. Now I'll pray.


Ronald Reagan said the 9 most terrifying words in the English language were:

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."

I disagree, the nine most frightening words I have ever heard are:

"I am Barack Obama, and I approve this message." Actually both campaigns are gyilty of this.

I know with certainty, all that follows will be blatant and unabashed lies. It will be an unapologetic attempt to portray the misery of these last 3 ½ years as success. It will be scarily simplistic, seeking to divide America along class lines. It will reek of racialism and bitterness and envy.

I will be diminished just by listening, and those who believe...those who believe, will surrender their humanity to the 'one,' and the world will be a poorer place for it.

And the saddest thing of all -- and the reason those words frighten me so, is that despite all that has happened, and all that looms on the horizon with this most disastrous of Presidents, when he says the words "I am Barack Obama, and I approve this message," many people will still believe what comes next.

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